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The Perpetual Gold Futures market is a relatively new option for trading gold futures, offering some key advantages over traditional futures contracts:

  • No Expiration Date: Unlike traditional contracts that expire on a specific date, perpetual futures allow you to hold a position for as long as you want. This provides more flexibility for your trading strategy.

  • Lower Costs: Perpetual futures typically have lower margin requirements compared to traditional contracts. This means you can control a larger position with a smaller initial investment, offering leverage.

  • Tracking Spot Price: Perpetual futures are usually priced very close to the spot price of gold, making them an efficient way to reflect current market sentiment.

  • Daily Settlement: Even though positions can be held indefinitely, contracts are settled daily based on a benchmark price, like the LBMA Gold AM price. This daily mark-to-market process ensures your position reflects any price changes.


The information provided is not trading advice. holds no liability for any investments made based on the information provided on this page.
We strongly recommend independent research and/or consultation with a qualified professional before making any investment decision.

Perpetual Gold Futures is for Sale:

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Perpetual Gold Futures